
Vision #

My caviar is hearing someone cast a vision that would be obviously better for humanity, but is so difficult that the modern mind is hesitant to even entertain it, and then break down the technical milestones such that it suddenly seems inevitable.

Examples #

Elon’s “secret plan” for Tesla

  • vision: humanity needs to transition away from fossil fuels
  • steps:
    • luxury supercar to rich ⤵️
      • expensive sedan ⤵️
        • affordable car ⤵️
          • distributed power storage

David Baker’s de novo protein

  • vision: You don’t build a plane by starting with a bird and modifying. You start from engineering first principles and build up
  • steps:
    • computationally model protein folding ⤵️
      • use computational models to design building blocks ⤵️
        • combine building blocks into useful applications

Deep Prasad build teleportation

  • vision: Build teleportation!
  • steps:
    • Use quantum computers to model quantum effects in materials ⤵️
      • Discover material that is room temperature superconductor ⤵️
        • Use quantum effect to move matter without resistance (teleportation) ⤵️
          • Hey, this might explain the tictac UFO the gov’t has been talking about!

J. C. R. Licklider Man-Computer Symbiosis

  • vision: Computers should be optimized to help people think, not for replacing people.
  • steps:
    • TODO: connect how this vision captured the imagination of Steve jobs and ARPAnet

Other potential candidates to flesh out: #

  • Balajis - cloud cities with zero trust? (this sounds horrible to me, but I can respect that he is casting a vision)
  • Walt Disney - city of the future in Florida video?

Please send me more! #

I’d like to accumulate a large list of these - please send them to my email or twitter DM!

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